Actually, I take that back
What to do when you wish you could undo
What to do when you wish you could undo
Things are speeding up around here
Hello again! It's us, your friendly neighborhood ActivityPugs — with a short-form update for you this week about what we've been up to. Firstly, thanks so much for all your comments and thoughtful feedback about ActivityPub onboarding in response to last week's newsletter. There were
An exploration into recruiting new users to the Fediverse
Missed your weekly dose of decentralized delight? Fear not, for we have returned with more tail wagging tidbits about ActivityPub progress. Last week, we dropped the unfollow feature like it was hot, and shared the Ghost keynote from FOSDEM 2025. The final video, which fixed a few issues in the
A deep dive into the depths of dog-driven digital innovation
A quick interlude about ActivityPub around the web
The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.
Everything ActivityPub all at once.
Fine-tuning your content consumption, and database deliverance.
Fifty messages in a bottle
Can you feel it? The blogosphere is returning
We're experimenting with a new way of organising ActivityPub content
The expansion of the universe is speeding up. It's not that the galaxies have engines in them — space itself is stretching.
Until you join the line, you exist in a superposition of both being in the right line and the wrong line simultaneously.
Leisurely conversations and spirited debates, the conversation expands.